Take a Look at the PolkaParty ($POLP) Project

Tania sultana
5 min readAug 27, 2021


PolkaParty published its debut set of Objective NFTs, dubbed PartyApes, at the crack of dawn on Monday morning, my time. PartyApes are made up of 1,000 Partying Apes, each of which has unique usefulness that varies based on their rarity and following tier. For those unfamiliar with PartyApes, there are five degrees of rarity, with Frequent being the most common and Platinum seems to be the most uncommon, with only 32 of a total of one 1000 PartyApes being produced. With the introduction of these NFTs, they hope that early minters take advantage of the low gas fees and rapid blockchain verification timeframes that were available to them. Having now had a few days to reflect on the official launch of our minting website PolkaPlace.xyz, I’d want to go into more detail on both the PartyApes as well as the minting platform itself.

PartyApes are equipped with three key utilities.

First and foremost, each Ape can be thought of as a “buoy” floating on top of the Etheruem blockchain ocean. PolkaParty uses this buoy to designate a specific place or wallet into which a percentage of the company’s revenue must be deposited. When the PolkaParty.io platform launches, this amount of revenue would be monitored through the use of a party entitled “PartyApes.” Each Ape serves as what we refer to as a “Party Pass.” A Party Pass is a non-transferable token (NFT) that grants users entry to a whitelisted party. PartyApes are not a security or a certificate in any manner shape or form. They are nothing more than a party pass.

For the second, PartyApes are being used to build liquidity ahead of the token launch on August 20th. Each USDC token purchased on the PartyApe series will be immediately converted into cash at the time of launch. As far as they are aware, this is the first time that NFT liquidity has been generated. That they are incredibly unique and that we are prepared to not just dream big ambitions but also turn those ideas into action, is our desire for the community as a result of this.

Finally, upon listing, the top 2 tiers will each earn a certain number of POLP tokens. The top two tiers are designated as Gold and Platinium. As stated in the collection on Opensea, in order to obtain POLP tokens from such NFTs, users must be in possession of a Gold or Platinum PartyApe on August 19th at 12 AM EST in order to acquire the POLP tokens from these NFTs. It is possible to stake, auction, trade, farm, or transfer a Gold or Platinum PartyApe once it has been minted. You will not get any tokens as a result of the listing of the POLP coin. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE POLP TOKENS, YOU Should HOLD THE NFT IN AN ERC-20 TOKEN Compliant WALLET ON AUGUST 19TH AT 12 AM EST. The snapshot will take place on AUGUST 19TH at 12 a.m. EST, and it will include all wallets that contain Gold and Platinum NFTs.

The final question I’ve received concerns unsuccessful transactions, and I’d like to walk everyone through the smart contract operations that take place during the process of minting a PartyApe token. On the blockchain, every Ape is represented by a hash value that is unique. When a PartyApe is created, the smart contract communicates with our API and provides a hash. In some cases, the hash return has been already generated, resulting in a transaction failure. As we get closer to zero, the likelihood of a failed transaction will increase significantly. This may appear to be a source of friction here on the minting site, but still, it actually benefits the PartyApes in a few ways.

First and foremost, this is the most certifiable random method of minting an NFT without the use of Chainlink’s VRF. From this point forward, all randomized mints on PolkaParty will be completed using Chainlink’s VRF. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to deploy VRF on the pApes smart contract, which resulted in a large number of unsuccessful transactions on the site. In retrospect, we should have moved this contract to Polygon, where the transaction fees would’ve been negligible if we had done so. As a founder, I resolve to rely on my instincts more in the future, especially because I had a gut feeling that Polygon distribution was the best option because of the expenses.

Second, PartyApes will become increasingly scarce as a result of this. Even before all of the NFTs are issued, enhancing the rarity of the first apes generates a secondary market for these non-fungible tokens. Turning these NFTs liquid, which means that you should be able to sell them before the entire supply is depleted. As a result, the community benefits since we all desire the flexibility to use our money/tokens any way we want. I’ll leave you with an idea that occurred to me last night. Since I first started this journey, I envisioned it as a method to empower anyone who wanted to use it. Recently proposed legislation throughout the United States has convinced me that PolkaParty must redouble its efforts to defend the morals that helped us get off the ground in the first place. Anyone can participate in decentralized finance because it is open to all. I would just like to say Hell to anyone who is trying to stifle the expansion of this industry, and if they are afraid of us, let’s get them even more afraid. I promise that I will develop a layer 3 application that will provide users with liberty and security while using blockchain technology. What follows is not only the future of money but also the destiny of governance in the post-industrial era. We will demolish centralization, and out of the ruins of a sad and failing system, we will erect a new order based on equality and accessibility for all people everywhere.

Official Links For More Information:

Website: https://www.polkaparty.io
Whitepaper : https://polkaparty.gitbook.io/polkaparty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polka_Party
Telegram: https://t.me/PolkaParty
Medium: https://polkaparty.medium.com


Forum Username: jorina_006
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2171158
ERC-20 Wallet Address: 0xB95020bF89Fe28Ccca8C9D308e0536FD23510FE3
Proof Of Registration Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5351932.msg57798291#msg57798291

